Showcase #25: Custom EDC Gear Maker from Western Massachusetts - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #25: Custom EDC Gear Maker from Western Massachusetts

By Yong-Soo Chung

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature one member from our community and the gear they rely on everyday. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

In this week's Urban EDC Showcase, we speak to Steven (@fiddlefoundry), the man behind Fiddle Foundry, maker of pocket tops, fiddle coins, and other custom EDC gear. His gear reflects a clean aesthetic and an appreciation for the simpler, slower side of life.

Featured Tools:

Watch: Tudor Pelagos
Key Holder: Corter Leather
Begleri: Fiddle Foundry
iPhone Case: Spigen
Harmonica: Crossover
Multi-Tool: Rexford Knives R.U.T.
Multi-Tool Sheath: Scout Leather Co.
Notebook Cover: Oracle Leather
Pen: Karas Kustoms
Knife: Kit Carson M4
Flashlight: Olight S1 Baton
Fiddle Coin: Fiddle Foundry
Comb: Beardbrand
Pocket Top: Fiddle Foundry
Pocket Top Holder: Oracle Leather
Wallet: Bellroy


Steven has a background in advertising and design and currently works in higher education. He's also the owner of Fiddle Foundry, a custom gear shop making fun, EDC pocket toys such as spinning tops and fiddle coins.

It all started in 2013 when he began to make custom pocket tops on his manual lathe for his personal enjoyment. Fast forward a few years and today, he's built a cult-like following for his beautiful work, making custom unique and high end gear out of Western Massachusetts.

Aside from making tops and other EDC items, Steven tells us that he's a lifelong, avid fisherman and spends as much time as he can outdoors. He also has two Vizslas and he says that the more time they spend outside in the woods or the water, the better it is for everyone.

As for how he got into EDC, Steven tells us that he's been obsessed with knives since childhood and always carried a Swiss Army Knife or a Buck 110 with him - even to school each day. After college, he discovered the world of custom knives, which has led to all other types of EDC gear. Pens and mechanical pencils has also been another obsession for Steven.

Favorite EDC Tool:

When asked to name his favorite EDC item, Steven had a difficult time choosing just one. He says that the pocket tops get the most use now, but his Carson knife has been with him the longest and would probably miss it most if he lost it. His Pelagos watch is also special to him because it's his only watch remaining from previously collecting diver watches. Finally, he ended this discussion of his favorite gear by asking, "they are all 'favorites' - isn't that the way it works with EDC?" Well put, Steven, couldn't agree more with you!


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