Showcase #9: Web Developer from Hammond, Louisiana - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #9: Web Developer from Hammond, Louisiana

By Yong-Soo Chung

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature one member from our community and the gear they rely on everyday. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo

Everyday Carry of a Web Developer from Louisiana

This week, we have Murry (@murrydan_edc) from Hammond, Louisiana. He's a Web Developer for The Southeastern Channel, the nation's best and most award winning college television station! His gear reflects his preference for a more refined carry, featuring gear with clean designs. Read on for more!

Featured Tools:

Knife: Ray Laconico Bear
Multi-tool: Victorinox Swiss Army Knife Burgundy Micro Farmer
Flashlight: Peak Eiger
Wallet: Greg Stevens Design V2 Slimmer Wallet
Handkerchief: The Hill-side


Prior to becoming a Web Developer for Southeastern Louisiana University's award-winning television station, Murry was a guitarist for a death metal band. He tells us that he has always carried a Fallkniven U2 knife for years but he really started getting into EDC gear around 5 years ago when he started his search for the perfect flashlight. This search led him directly to the passionate EDC community on the "forums" and he's never looked back since.

Favorite EDC Tool:

Murry's favorite tool is his Ray Laconico Bear knife. He tells us that he's very fortunate to have one of Ray's pieces. The knife initially had a sticky lock, so he was able to send it back to Ray who fixed the lock at no charge. Murry says that now, the knife is flawless - the design, ergonomics, and blade shape fit his style, hands, and lifestyle perfectly.



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