Showcase #125: Retail Store Manager from Los Angeles, California - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #125: Retail Store Manager from Los Angeles, California

By Philmon Yip

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature one member of the EDC community and the gear they rely on every day. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

Cynthia (@sak_edc) is certainly not your typical lady. Eschewing handbags and purses, she prefers to carry everything on her person. Naturally, this led to Cynthia developing a minimal yet highly functional carry. Read on to learn how she chooses what to carry and how these tools play an integral part in her daily life.

Featured Tools:

  • SAK: Swiss Bianco Victorinox Alox Micro Farmer.
    This was a special variation of the popular Swiss Army Knife Cadet made for Swiss Bianco. Only 4 Alox colours were produced, and only 100 of each were ever made.

    It is an 84mm 3 layer Cadet, with a couple of special features - a saw, and a secondary small blade that replaces the fingernail file in the regular Cadet. Of course, it has the 84mm main blade, bottle opener, can opener, flathead drivers, small pry bar too if in a pinch!

    The 4 colours made were, silver, burgundy, apocalyptic green, and this one featured in my photo, is the ever so special Davy’s Gray. My most regularly used SAK, is my silver Micro Farmer. You really can’t beat the incredibly slim and light design of the Micro Farmer.

  • Pen: Fisher Space Pen 70th Anniversary Edition
    I have been an avid fan of space exploration and research, and have followed quite a few astronauts on YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram, and even had the opportunity to meet ISS Commander Chris Hadfield. It is just fascinating what they are doing up there for research to help all of us down here, from osteoporosis to possibly living on another planet.

    I also love to travel and have had to fill out those pesky customs and immigration forms standing in a line, writing on uneven surfaces, and my pen just not working right. The Fisher Space Pen truly writes perfectly every time on any angle, upside down, in zero gravity, and even underwater!

    I’ve had the same one black matte Fisher Space Pen as part of my EDC for the last 11+ years. I’ve lost it and found it many times. Refilled the ink once, and it fits in the palm of my hand. I finally treated myself to a second pen with their incredibly interstellar looking 70th Anniversary with my name engraved on the back. It is just a perfect EDC pen.

  • Knife: Benchmade Proper 319
    I recently fell off the SAK wagon and purchased my first non-SAK knife, and I chose the Benchmade Knives Proper 319. It is still a slip joint but obviously updated to modern times.

    It was surprisingly slim and small compared to my SAK Farmers when I got it in hand, which I was absolutely thrilled about. The blade steel is great for me, and the green micarta is truly a treat for the senses.

    I saw this knife pop up again and again on people’s Instagram feeds, and even in photos, this knife spoke to me! I’m also happy to own an American made knife, and it really is a lot of fun to have as part of your EDC - I have a smile every time I see it and put it in my pocket. I know I’ll be covered for the day (paired with a Micro Farmer of course)!


My name is Cynthia. I am a retail store manager in Los Angeles for a very large technology company that is based in Cupertino, California. I have never been into carrying purses as a female, so EDC and how we carry was something that was always important to me, and so I naturally got into EDC without even realizing it.

I have slim pockets in my jeans, so whatever I carry has to be on the smaller side, and extremely functional. I usually don’t carry more than 3 main EDC items (SAK, wallet, pen).

The biggest focus of my EDC collecting hobby is my Victorinox Swiss Army Knives collection, specifically just the Alox Farmer model. The reason for that specific model is I am an avid outdoors person, love primitive camping, and love having a saw with me at all times, even in the city if just to remind myself of some of the great outdoors moments I’ve had and will have.

I only recently decided to start up a separate Instagram account to feature some of my EDC items and to take up a new hobby of trying my hand at photography. I’ve learned a whole lot, and follow quite a few of the people featured in Urban EDC Supply’s community.

It’s definitely been a challenge as far as trying to take better photos, but at the same time, super rewarding to get to see all the new EDC gear out there, and to be able to share with others. My personal EDC collection definitely has grown due to all the fantastic social media.

Favorite EDC Tool:

Out of all the items I listed today and in my overall collection, my favourite has to be the Micro Farmer, as it has me covered for the most part for anything that might come along in the day!

Next On Your Gear Radar:

I am still completing my Farmer collection, and am definitely looking for a “yellow” Alox Farmer. If anyone out there is getting rid of their’s… :)


  • Great feature Cynthia!!

    Scott on

  • Great feature Cynthia!!

    Scott on

  • Woohoo! Congratulations, Cynthia! Great gear and read! 축하합니다 ~

    Jeremy @halfkorean on

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