Showcase #152: Musician and Guitar Luthier from Chicago, Illinois - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #152: Musician and Guitar Luthier from Chicago, Illinois

By Philmon Yip

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature one member of the EDC community and the gear they rely on every day. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

From Chicago, Illinois, Joe (@terrificknifeguy) sells and restores guitars while also writing and playing in an instrumental rock band called Versus The Giant. Joe astutely traded a few Pokemon cards for his first SAK Cadet, and eventually graduated to a Spyderco PM2 which changed everything. Read on to find out all about Joe’s carry, music and what he’s hankering after next.

Featured Tools:

  • Pry Tool: Wisemen Company "Wiseguy" Pocket Tool
    This is a pocket size pry bar that gets used way more than I ever thought it would. I use it a lot when I am working around the house, at work and even to crack open a cold one. Out of all the gear that I rotate in my EDC this Wiseguy has a solid spot.

  • Knife: Ferrum Forge Fortis 2.0.
    Next up is a new addition to my EDC and knife collection, the Ferrum Forge Fortis 2.0. Been using this guy for a little while now and I gotta tell ya, this knife is pretty terrific.

    The Fortis gets a lot of use at home and at work, but mainly at home. My girlfriend is obsessed with Ikea and is always buying new furniture for our place. So I'm constantly using a big knife to cut into and break down boxes/packages. She was one of those "why do you carry a knife... that's creepy" kind of girls, but that quickly changed because now she has me cut and open everything.. in conclusion, the Fortis is an awesome knife.

  • SAK: Victorinox Pioneer Alox
    My Victorinox Pioneer Alox is the knife I use for precise cuts and for cutting into the mail, small packages and sometimes I use it to peel fruits. I bought a TEC Accessories clip for it that makes it a joy to carry. This Pioneer is another piece that has a very steady role in my EDC.

  • Wallet: Wildmoon Leather Co. & Bearclaw Woodcraft
    The wallet that I have in this rotation is one of those notebook/wallet hybrids. It holds about 3-4 cards and it's got a pocket for cash, a field notes graph paper notebook and a pen. This wallet is actually a collaboration between Wildmoon Leather Co. & Bearclaw Woodcraft. It's called the Voyager, so far only 10 were made.

  • Pen: Urban Survival Gear Ti Scribe Bolt & Rotring 800
    Along with a notebook I carry a pen and pencil. The Urban Survival Gear Ti Scribe Bolt in bronze is my EDC pen of choice. I have it loaded with a Pilot G2 ink refill for smooth and effortless writing.

    The “fidgetability” of the bolt action deployment is also what makes this pen a winner for me. The pencil I really enjoy using is the Rotring 800 mechanical pencil. I do all my signing and note taking in pen but when I'm in a creative doodle mood I like to sketch in pencil.

  • Watch: Timex Expedition Chronograph
    The watch I wear every day is my trusty Timex Expedition Chronograph, I purchased an OD green Nato strap to give it the worker look I was going for. I never go anywhere without this watch.

  • Flashlight: Maratac AA
    Last but not least, I pocket a Maratac AA flashlight in copper. It's late when I get home from work, and my neighborhood isn't very well lit. So from shinning a light at the keyhole of my front door to illuminating the dark stairway to my apartment door, my Maratac AA gets used every single night.


      My name is Joe and I'm actually based out of Chicago, Illinois. I sell guitars for a living and repair/restore them in my spare time as a hobby. I also write music and play the guitar for my instrumental rock band called Versus The Giant, we are currently recording our first EP and have a few demo tracks out on band camp. There's a link to it on our Instagram page @vtgchicago.

      As long as I can remember I've always been into gear. As a kid, you can't really buy all the stuff you want so I had to acquire my gear in other ways. My first pocket knife was this old beat up SAK Cadet, I remember trading this kid in school a few Pokemon cards for it. But it wasn't till about 2013 when I bought my first Spyderco PM2 that really changed the game for me. To have such a quality knife was a real game-changer, and so began my EDC journey.

      Favorite EDC Tool:

      My favorite piece of gear in my arsenal has to be my knives though. I've collected so many and just have a passion and respect for the craft and genius that goes behind the designs.

      My favorite knife (not shown in current gear line up) has to be my McNees Dixon. Which is currently with Jonathan McNees getting a new back spacer and pocket clip. My Ferrum Forge Fortis 2.0 is definitely a favorite of mine as well. Feels great in the hand and is just a visually stunning knife.

      What's On Your Gear Radar:

      I'd really like to get my hands on a Peter Rassenti Nirvana or Satori. I bought a Spyderco Nirvana a while back thinking it would quench my thirst.. it did the opposite and I've been drooling over a custom Rassenti ever since.


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