Showcase #158: Schoolteacher from Durham City, England - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #158: Schoolteacher from Durham City, England

By Philmon Yip

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature one member of the EDC community and the gear they rely on every day. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

With a name like Dean Burns (@dean_edc), you already know you’re talking to somebody lit. A schoolteacher by day and SAK-modder/leatherworker by night, Dean’s aesthetic of choice for his EDC is anything post-apocalyptic or battle-worn. Read on for Dean’s full rig rundown and find out how he configures and deploys his different custom SAKs.

Featured Tools:

  • SAK 01: Custom Victorinox Voyageur
    This is a 93mm titanium-scaled (scales made by John Smith at Brasswerx) Victorinox Voyageur mod (toolset put together by @imodsak). I got this mod originally from imodsak with dark grey Alox scales, but managed to pull off a cool trade with John at Brasswerx to obtain these wonderful stonewashed titanium scales with a cross cut-out as shown, and a ¼” hex cut-out on the back scale. imodsak really made purchasing mods more affordable, and John’s scales add the amazing post-apocalyptic style stonewashed grey look, which is my absolute favourite.

  • SAK 02: Custom Victorinox (Titanium)
    84mm titanium-scaled (scales made by Andy Dunn @Beaver_Bladeworks) Victorinox Cadet mod (toolset put together by myself). This mod is a collaboration between Andy at Beaver Bladeworks, who made the sandblasted titanium scales, and myself, who took the Cadet apart, acid-etched/stonewashed the tools and put it all together again. Again, I really love the stonewashed/sandblasted grey look, so this fits in perfectly with my style.

  • SAK 03: Custom Victorinox Cadet (Copper)
    This is an 84mm copper-scaled (scales made by Andy Dunn @Beaver_Bladeworks) Victorinox Cadet mod (toolset put together by myself). As with the titanium cadet mentioned earlier, this mod is a collaboration between Andy at Beaver Bladeworks, who made the copper scales, and myself, who took the cadet apart, before reassembling.

    I’ve long admired solid copper scales on Victorinox models, before finally getting hold of a pair from Andy. I opted not to acid-etch/stonewash the tools this time, but lightly stonewashed the scales before assisting the patina on the copper by storing the SAK in a leather slip. It's a current favourite, simply because it is aesthetically just fantastic.

  • Flashlight 01: Foursevens Preon P1 AAA
    I already owned the copper version of this flashlight, which is my number one choice in terms of the flashlights I carry, so when the previous owners of Foursevens had a closing down sale, it would’ve been rude to have not bought this at a bargain price.

  • Flashlight 02: Foursevens Preon P1 AAA Flashlight in Copper
    As mentioned earlier, this was my first Foursevens purchase from James Crichton (@gearetal). As with the SQ1 pen, I took influence from Josh (Every Day Carry Nurse) and initially paired this with an OD Green cadet, before finding its natural partner in the aforementioned copper Victorinox Cadet.

  • Flashlight 03: Lumintop AAA Tool
    Actually this was one of the first EDC flashlights I purchased that was anything but anodised aluminium. I love titanium (if you hadn’t already guessed) and this just fits in nicely. I envisage it will be stonewashed at some point in the future, however, as I’m not normally a shiny metals fan.

  • Hank: Firefly15 Day of the Dead Calavera Hank
    I only own two hanks, and both were purchased from Elliott at Firefly15 Hanks. This one is the Day of the Dead Calavera design, which has the most amazing gold stitched roses running throughout the main skull design. It just pops and is a hank I just had to buy once I had seen it on his IG feed.

  • Watch: Tag Heuer Carrera
    This was given to me by my Dad, who had purchased it about ten years ago. My Dad really takes care of his stuff, so it was basically brand new still when he gave it to me. It’s my forever watch, and it was only right it made it into my gear pic.

  • Pen: RNG SQ1 Pen
    I’ve always loved a pen since I was a kid, mainly Parker pens, though. I purchased this pen from RNG Products about 18 months ago, but I must admit it was entirely influenced by Josh (Every Day Carry Nurse), whose OD green and copper EDC has long been one of my favourites.

  • Organizer: Slice+Light
    This is a Slice+Light Organizer in brown nut Horween derby leather, made by none other than myself. Those of you that are already familiar with my presence in the EDC community may know that I used to make/sell leather EDC organisers/slips over 2017/18.

    After making over a hundred for other people in the community, I finally made myself one (every time I made one for myself, it ended up finding its way to a new home). I chose the Horween brown nut derby leather with a dark green thread, choosing the Slice+Light Organiser model that was particularly popular. I may one day make myself a Triple Threat Organiser (so I can hold a pen too), but as it stands, this is my number one choice for holding my gear together in one place.


      I’m Dean Burns, more commonly known as @dean_edc on Instagram, and I am an EDC enthusiast and sometimes SAK modder/leatherworker from Durham City in the North East of England (United Kingdom). 

      By day, I am a schoolteacher at a local school teaching 9-10 year-olds, so my EDC gear is left at home during this time as you would imagine.

      I first got into EDC about two or so years ago due to my cousin, Catherine Boland (an EDC Co-operator no less) who is also a keen collector of EDC gear and a prominent member of the EDC community.

      My collection was started initially with a couple of Victorinox SAKS in silver Alox and a couple of Thrunite flashlights, before venturing in and out of a wider range of EDC gear over the subsequent time.

      I have, at various stages, been influenced by the EDCs of @antithetik, James Crichton, James Dietz, Josh Coon, John Smith, and @mostly_sharp_stuff (so a huge thank you to you all), in particular, the many pics of titanium/stonewashed/acid-etched focussed looks on tools, pens and flashlights alike.

      My favourite look is certainly anything looking remotely post-apocalyptic or worn. None of this shiny stuff for me, thank you.

      I started making leather slips/organisers not long after I joined the community, in part just to offer UK-based EDCers a cheaper alternative to what was out there (cheaper due to not having to pay larger shipping costs to get stuff from the abundant US makers) and kept this up for about eighteen months before my real job and family life became more time consuming (in other words, I had a second child and changed careers to become a school teacher).

      I still make some pretty cool leather lanyards, which can be seen throughout the EDC community I am proud to say, but this is all I am doing as far as leatherwork now.

      I have also made several modified Victorinox Swiss Army Knives, with a lot of help from John Smith at Brasswerx, Andy Dunn at Beaver Bladeworks, Jay Loden and Ricardo (@imodsak), which has been a fun hobby that has allowed myself and some other EDCers to get their hands on a modded SAK (other than obtaining them from the aforementioned, who do A LOT more modding than I do, and have been fantastic in taking what is on offer to a higher level with various scales, toolsets and finishes).

      In my spare time, I still try to play a bit of football when I can (soccer for those in the US, but it is called football as we invented it ha!), and get to the gym a couple of times a week.

      I try to get in my makeshift garage-cum-workshop as much as I can and hope to increase my involvement in the SAK modding world just a little bit over the coming months.  

      Most of my spare time, however, is spent with my wife (Lorna) and two children, Jude (aged 6) and Orlaith (nearly 2, and don’t we know it ha!).  

      Favorite EDC Tool:

      As far as my favourite items in my collection, I can break them down into two categories really - (1) the ones I use the most and (2) the most aesthetically pleasing.

      In terms of usage, the 93mm Titanium Victorinox Voyager probably gets the most time, due to the scissors/bottle opening combo tool toolset.

      The 84mm Titanium Victorinox Cadet, however, is seeing a bit more time out and about due to its smaller size and ability to fit seamlessly into any given pocket.

      The 84mm Copper Victorinox Cadet is probably the prime candidate in terms of the second category – I love the look of copper, especially as it forms a natural patina.

      As you might have gathered, the Swiss Army Knife is generally the main part of any carry for me, and my love for all things SAK is pretty much the reason I initially became interested in all of the other gear that I now have and any of the mini-ventures I have been fortunate enough to explore.

      My absolute favourite EDC item has to be my Tag Carrera watch, however. I got it from my Dad and he’s been the biggest influence on pretty much everything I’ve ever done (as well as my Mam, I can’t leave her out, of course). My Dad gave me my very first Victorinox Spartan when I was about twelve, so he is to blame for all of this in reality haha!

      What's On Your Gear Radar:

      As far as the next items I’d like to add to my collection, I have a few on my radar. I’ve got a set of 93mm Beaver Bladeworks copper scales sitting in my workshop currently, which will very soon be added to an as-yet-undecided 93mm Victorinox SAK mod - I envisage stonewashing the scales and possibly using an inline Phillips driver and universal wrench I managed to acquire from an S557 model. 

      I also have my eye on a Titanium 58mm SAK, possibly a Rambler tool configuration, but I have not yet determined which outstanding modder to approach – there are many I have mentioned plus DE Custom Forge and DavizBlack who have produced some fine 58mm mods.

      Finally, I have my eye firmly on a pen from Tactile Turn – I’m not sure which one as yet, but as it stands a copper Slider or Glider model is in the lead.


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