Showcase #311: Undergraduate from Germany - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #311: Undergraduate from Germany

By Philmon Yip

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature a member of the EDC community and the gear they rely on every day. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

A man of many interests, Erik (@e.frdnbrg) has been dedicating more time to his love of photography, taking long bike rides through the German countryside, and is even planning to take his racing boat out on the water again! Read on for the full story and find out how Adam Savage inspired Erik's EDC journey.

What's in your carry?

  • Knife: Zero Tolerance ZT 0770 CF
    I got this knife last month and it hasn’t left my pockets since then. The assisted-opening is really nice, especially once it got a little broken in and the blade shape just does it for me.

    Topping it all off with S35VN and my own edge I put on it, it slices through just about anything and looks and feels superb while doing so. I first got to know about Zero Tolerance and their knives through Nick Shabazz and fell immediately in love with their knives. Now I use one every day for boxes, home improvement, and shredding paper.

  • Utility Knife: Vitesse Design ROCKIT Urban EDC Supply Exclusive
    I saw the ROCKIT on an EDC-weekly over at BestDamnEDC and thought “Hey, that looks really cool and practical, I want that.”

    I looked it up on Vitesse Design’s Website, but it was gone, so I DM'ed the guy. He pointed me towards Urban EDC Supply who still had the all-black, and a minute later I received the order confirmation.

    That was back in February and this knife has been my secondary user knife since then. It does all the nasty cuts I don’t want to do with my nicer knife, but a slab of M390 can’t be hurt, not even by cutting wires! Now it stays in my pockets because I don’t like utility blades so the ROCKIT is the perfect replacement for those for me.

  • Pen: Petespiratelife
    I don’t think the pen needs an explanation. I love the brand that is Petespiratelife and the products that have come from that brand. I acquired this gem not too long ago, and I refuse to use any other pen now, especially with a Pentel Energel refill (best refill out there). The patina that it has already developed is just the sweetest cherry on top, paired with the clever design and built quality. This is getting daily use.

  • Notebook: Field Notes Clandestine edition
    It fits in my back pocket along with the complimentary pen and allows me to write down ideas or reminders or some dates I don’t want to forget about. Especially as a university student, this thing comes in handy so many times.

  • Coin: Gerry Gerrard
    The coin comes from @gerry_gerrard_edc on Instagram. I recently saw his coins while scrolling through hashtags and contacted him immediately. We made a quick deal and now I’m just waiting for that patina to start while I fidget around with it during ZOOM-lectures or when watching Netflix. Not to forget that the design is actually really cool and feels soo nice.

What's your story?

Right now, I’m a student at a University in Northern Germany. I take online lectures and research at home while browsing away at new knives and gear to add to my already long list. I don’t work anywhere right now, again due to Corona, but that leaves some time to spend with family and with the things I love to do.

My hobby for the longest time has been photography, which I can now dedicate much more time to. Photography also led me to this amazing community of people who enjoy EDC! Apart from taking photos, there’s nothing like a long bike ride through the countryside of Germany with family and friends, especially now that summer is finally here, I can also look forward to taking my little racing boat out onto the water again.

My first introduction to EDC was through a video from Adam Savage from six years ago, where he showed his EDC. I also started my EDC with a Space Pen, a flashlight, and a pocket notebook. Then I stumbled over the YouTube channel, BestDamnEDC, and I was hooked!

The first knife I actually carried was a Boker Urban Trapper, which was soon followed up by other knives and gear I discovered while diving deeper down into this rabbit hole!

As a student, my gear is more focused on everyday tasks and not very specialized, which is why I don’t carry a multitool. I don’t find myself in situations where I might need it. A bottle opener is on my Orbitkey, so I don’t carry a pry tool. I just need my gear to be pocketable and robust.

Favorite EDC Tool?

My favorite item has to be the ROCKIT. It has been in my carry longer than anything and has withstood the test of time, handling anything I needed it to do while staying sharp and solid in a beautiful black leather sheath. It is the perfect balance between minimalism and usability!

What's On Your Gear Radar?

Next on my list is a Damascus ROCKIT, already got a deal in the closing. Also looking forward to a Prometheus Beta QR V2 in Brass and a Spyderco Smock. Just to mention my grail, I hope to get my hands on a CRK Small Sebenza 21 Insingo with black Micarta inlays.

1 comment

  • Its good

    Vinay on

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