Showcase #363: YouTuber and Content Creator from the USA - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #363: YouTuber and Content Creator from the USA

By Philmon Yip

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature one member of the EDC community and the gear they rely on every day. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

Taking EDC to the next level, we drop in on Brent (@bakpakb) who is creating some of the most compelling and useful content on EDC, knives, tech, gear, and coffee (all topics we love ourselves). A modern-day renaissance man of many interests, read on to learn all about his sleek and stylish daily carry, and find out what's next on his gear radar.

Featured Tools:

  • Knife: Christensen KW Maverick S
    I absolutely love the Christensen KW Maverick S. In my opinion it's one of the best production knives of all time (strong words I know).

  • SAK: Victorinox Alox
    I normally carry a multitool (l Iove alox scales) and a pry of some sort, I prefer one with torx bits contained in the design but sometimes I will carry one without.

  • Watch: Apple Watch Nike Edition
    I always rock a watch, either my Apple Watch Nike Edition or one of my G-Shock watches.

  • Sunglasses: Blenders
    My go to sunglasses are the Blenders x2s ... I wear them everyday but switch between a bunch of colorways. 

  • Fidget tool: Lefty Design
    That damned design spinner is all Kevin's (Lefty's) fault... I used to not be in the fidget game, but now I have fallen for it hard (Kev was purposefully giving me a bunch until I started carrying them every day.

  • Bag: Peak Design
    One last thing I wanted to mention about my carry is the fact that you will never catch me without a backpack. My bag of choice is the Peak Design Everyday Carry Backpack 30L.

Favorite EDC Tool:

My favorite piece of EDC equipment is currently my Koenig Arius... I love that thing.

What's On Your Gear Radar:

In terms of gear that is on my radar that I am looking to get, I am very excited about the Divo Buzz pre order, I Want Brian Brown FSD, One day I hope to add a Ti. F5.5 to my collection (I have a copper one and a micarta one). I'm a huge Kizer fan so I also cannot wait for the Kizer Escort to drop!


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