Showcase #145: Packaging Applications Specialist from Minneapolis, MN - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #145: Packaging Applications Specialist from Minneapolis, MN

By Philmon Yip

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature one member of the EDC community and the gear they rely on every day. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

Hailing from Minneapolis, Micah’s (@knivesandtoolsmn) EDC journey started with his knife, which has always been his most important tool. From there, he branched out to flashlights and other gear. Read on (link in bio) for the full rig rundown of Micah’s carry that combines everyday functionality with style and simplicity.

Featured Tools:

  • Flashlight: Olight S1
    The first item in my EDC is an Olight S1 Mini in solid brass. If I were to pick one flashlight to carry daily this would be it. It casts a nice wide, bright beam, disappears in my pocket, and looks very classy in brass.

  • Knives: Chris Reeve & Northwoods
    I almost always pair a modern locking folding knife with a traditional slip joint knife. In this case, the locking folder is my CRK Small Sebenza 21 with bocote inlays, and it's paired with a Northwoods Fremont Jack in mammoth ivory covers.

    They're both so much different in so many ways but compliment each other beautifully. I use the Sebenza for tasks that require one-handed deployment, or the security of a locking blade, and the Fremont comes out in an office setting for lighter tasks.

  • Multi-Tool: Victorinox Spirit X
    The final item I decided to include in the photo is my Victorinox Spirit X multi-tool. In my opinion, this is the best pliers-based multi-tool available. It has every tool I would ever want to carry from my belt, and the quality is outstanding. I find myself pulling it from its sheath frequently whenever I've got it on me.


      My name is Micah and I work as an Applications Specialist for a packaging equipment manufacturer. In my free time, I go hiking or biking whenever I can. If I'm not on the trails, you'll most likely find me on the couch with my wife binge watching The Office or Law and Order SVU.

      A pocket knife is where EDC started for me. It's always been the most important and useful tool I carry, and I've been carrying one for so long I can't really remember when I started. In my quest for building and improving my knife collection, I've been exposed to more and more awesome non-knife EDC gear.

      Relatively recently I've become interested in flashlights and different types of pry tools or multitools. It wasn't uncommon for me to carry a small flashlight or SAK in the past, but now I've got a variety of gear in my collection, all with its own strength, or for a specific setting.

      Favorite EDC Tool:

      I would say my favorite item in the photo is my Fremont Jack. It's a truly one of a kind piece. Knives with mammoth covers have their own unique character due to the diversity in coloration and texture present in mammoth ivory. I got lucky, this knife is a beautiful example.

      What's On Your Gear Radar:

      I have really been wanting a Koenig Mini Goblin with red carbon fiber scales. I'm a huge fan of Bill Koenig's work, and the Mini Goblin checks a lot of boxes for me as an EDC locking folder. Hopefully, I get a chance to buy one at some point.


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