Showcase #149: Theatre Stagehand from Berkeley, CA - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #149: Theatre Stagehand from Berkeley, CA

By Philmon Yip

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature one member of the EDC community and the gear they rely on every day. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

From Berkeley, CA, Kourtney (@kamm1123) works as a theatre stagehand in the dark most of the time. As such, her knife and flashlight are indispensable and used every day. Read on for Kourtney’s unique and wonderfully functional daily carry, and find out which piece of gear she carried on her wedding day!

Featured Tools:

  • Knife: Spyderco Delica
    This is a custom Delica with Purple G10 handles made by Boomer on USN. This knife means a lot to me. A few years ago I didn't have much in the way of EDC. Had to sell off most of my collection.

    Once I was financially stable again I decided to buy a Delica with purple FRN. I was so happy with it I decided to deck it out with these awesome G10 scales. It's surprising how often you need a knife in your carry. One of the things I use my knife for often is peeling away the backing of a sticker or double-sided carpet tape. Weird, right?

  • Flashlight: Foursevens Preon P1 Ti
    This titanium P1 is customized by @zodiaceng. I carried this flashlight on my wedding day! Ken really did a great job with the custom job. I've had many people try and buy this light from me but sorry to's a keeper! A flashlight is super important for my job since I'm in the dark most of the time.

  • Pen: Parker Jotter
    I always believe in carrying a good pen. The ink cartridge this pen comes with writes really smooth. I often use my pen to write down lists at work or photography ideas.

  • Notebook: Field Notes
    When you carry a pen you also need something to write on! I've carried these for many years and have used them for SO MANY things. I have a terrible memory so writing stuff down helps me remember stuff I need to do.

  • Bandana: REI
    Simple purple bandana I got from a big REI in Colorado a few years ago. From wiping sweat to cleaning a mess don't underestimate a bandana.


      My name is Kourtney Snow and I live in Berkeley, CA. I'm a stagehand for an awesome theatre! I have many many hobbies. One of the things I really enjoy is photography but I'm also a pretty big gamer! Both PC and console gaming.

      When I first started working in theatre, I realized I needed a dedicated knife. So, I Google searched "best knife" 😅 and I kept seeing best EDC this and best EDC that. Once I figured out what EDC was I was hooked!

      Favorite EDC Tool:

      Definitely the Preon. It's got so much good Ju-Ju plus it looks cool. I consider it one of my lucky charms.

      What's On Your Gear Radar:

      I'm pretty happy with what I've got, so probably a new lens for my Fuji camera.

      1 comment

      • I saw that purple and thought, I wonder if that is Kamm. Nice setup as usual.

        Kye4some on

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