Showcase #238: Artist and Leatherworker from New Hampshire, USA - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #238: Artist and Leatherworker from New Hampshire, USA

By Philmon Yip

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature a member of the EDC community and the gear they rely on every day. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

A multi-disciplinary artist, Ryan (@nhative_edc) is a stay-at-home dad who splits his time between his family and leather-working. As a lifelong outdoor enthusiast, he feels most at home deep in the woods and has long developed a love for small, pocketable knives and tools. Read on for Ryan's full rig rundown and find out what else he's working on now.

What's in your carry?

  • Knife: Spyderco Manix 2
    My primary knife is a Spyderco Manix 2 with Rex45 steel. I love a good tool steel! Rex is an awesome combination of toughness and edge retention, and I love that the blade will patina and tell a story over time and it just screams USER!

    I'm a LEFTY so the Manix is perfect for me. I've handled a lot of knives and the Manix is definitely the most comfortable knife I've ever held. I prefer all my folders to be deep carry. I have a few folders I cycle through but this is definitely one of my very favorites.

  • Fixed blade: ESEE Knives Izula-ll
    Sheathed in the back is an ESEE Knives Izula-ll (secondary blade). It's small and discrete and I like it for when I need to lean into my knife a little extra. I carry it cross draw just to the right of my belt buckle, and it just disappears on the belt.

  • Multitoo: Leatherman Skeletool
    Inside my organizer is a Leatherman Skeletool. I find I almost never use more than the pliers and/or the screwdriver. The Skeletool offers a minimalist option on the fly... Since I'm home most of the time, real tools aren't far away.

  • Flashlight: NEBO SWYVEL
    My daily flashlight is a NEBO SWYVEL. This is an almost perfect EDC light. It has a 90 degree swivelling neck, magnetic base and its USB rechargeable. It has a few modes ranging from 1K lumens down to 50 and I've found it to be incredibly useful.

  • Leather goods: Custom
    The leather items are my designs that I make and sell. I took the shot on my cutting mat and included a couple of my leather items because leather-working has become a big part of my identity and I hope to continue learning the craft and maybe even someday do it full time.

    I'm an artist and have practiced many mediums both traditional and digital. I've worked with everything from ink to ceramics.. but never have I found a creative outlet that is so satisfying and fulfilling as working with leather.

What's your story?

I'm NH born and raised. Right now, I'm a full time stay-at-home dad of two small girls, and part-time leatherworker. When I'm not focusing on my family, I'm slowly working to build my brand "failsafe goods" with the help of an awesome Instagram community. Leather-craft has become a huge passion of mine.

I am a lifelong outdoor enthusiast; I feel most at home deep in the woods and in the mountains. I had a modest upbringing and my family spent much of our vacation time outdoors: camping, hiking/climbing, paddling, etc. I've worked in and around a variety of trades the majority of my life. These are big inspirations for my work.

I learned about EDC as a “thing” only a few years ago through social media but for as long as I can remember I’ve always carried a knife and/or Leatherman of some sort.

I still have the same original Leatherman multitool that I've had since early high school (I'm 37). I’ve been in love with knives since before I was old enough to be allowed to carry one.

Backpacking and camping has definitely built the foundation for my love of small, pocketable knives and tools. My favorite part of "EDC" is being able to solve nearly all daily tasks with something from my pockets.

I don't have much free time these days, but my hobbies evolve around working with wood and leather. I love restoring axes and hatchets and carving handles. I try to spend as much time outdoors as I can.

My home away from home is my family cabin in northern NH where I go every chance I can. I love being in the woods and mountains, whether I'm just tending a campfire or climbing.

Favorite EDC Tool?

My favorite EDC item is probably my Rex45 Manix 2, or K390 PM2. Both are grail knives for me that I absolutely love. The steel is absolutely insane and just cuts and cuts.

What's On Your Gear Radar?

Next item my radar is a DiResta Mini Ice Pick - which I finally was recently able to secure after being sold out forever!. I intend on picking up some small Knipex cobra pliers in the near future. Maybe the Lynch NorthWest All-Access Pry at some point too.

1 comment

  • I am so proud to be your mom! I’m so happy that you have found a rewarding job that you love.

    Janet Kibbee on

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