Showcase #357: YouTuber and "Corporate America guy" from the USA - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #357: YouTuber and "Corporate America guy" from the USA

By Philmon Yip

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature one member of the EDC community and the gear they rely on every day. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

Today, we chat with Kevin (@LeftyEDC) who has made EDC his calling. Since discovering knives a few years back, Kevin has started a knife Instagram, YouTube Channel and is now delving into creating his own knives. Read on to find out all about Kevin and his passion for the craft.

Featured Tools:

  • Fidget: FocusWorks Axis Micro
    FocusWorks Axis Micro in Zirc with Tungsten Weights and NJT Handpower custom buttons in crystalized Ti. - I carry it because it’s fun to play with when my hands/brain need something to do. It also comes in handy in places where I cannot whip out my knife and start flicking it open and shut.

  • Knife 1: Urban EDC Baby Barlow
    Urban EDC Baby Barlow in titanium with black g-10 inlay and M390 steel. I carry this because its a fantastic office carry knife and it's on my short list for knife of the year.

  • Knife 2: Jack Wolf Knives Vampire Jack
    Red lava flow fat carbon covers and M390 steel. I carry this because I am starting to get into slip joints more and more. They are as fidgety as any locking knife on bearings, but more satisfying. JWK also has some of the thinnest edges in the knife world, which works for my needs.

  • Slip: Northwoods Leatherworks custom pueblo leather slip
    This is the leather slip for the Jack Wolf Knives Vampire Jack. I carry this because his work is absolutely the best in the business, it protects my knife but looks just as good, if not better, and his 7 cross stitch signature is just next level.

  • Flashlight: CWF Micro Arcadian
    This is my CWF Micro Arcadian in polished zirconium with zircuti clip. I carry this because its my favorite flashlight and the only one I carry. I love a small 10440 size light with tail switch and the simplicity here is fantastic.


      I am a corporate america 9-5 guy who discovered knives 5-6 years ago. Covid put the hobby into overdrive for me, and after a knife instagram, YouTube channel (LeftyEDC), and now knife Brand (Divo Knives). I still haven't found the bottom of the rabbit hole.

      Favorite EDC Tool:

      Pocket knife. Always is, always will be.

      What's On Your Gear Radar:

      Craig Brown Knives Mini FSD. The full size is amazing, knife of the year material, a 3.3 inch blade version will be a game changer.


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