Showcase #375: Air Steward and Photographer from Hong Kong - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #375: Air Steward and Photographer from Hong Kong

By Philmon Yip

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature a member of the EDC community and the gear they rely on every day. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

From Hong Kong, we catch up with the high-flying Aaron who works as an air steward. In his spare time, Aaron enjoys capturing moments during his travel and even carries a disposable film camera everywhere he goes. Read on to find out all about Aaron's clean and considered everyday carry, and find out what's next on his gear radar.

Featured Tools:

  • Multi-tool: Leatherman Wingman
    I guess it's fitting that I ended up a Wingman, considering that I'm in the air most days as an air steward. Ironically, I don't carry this at work. But everywhere else, it's always with me in my bag as it has everything you could ever need.

    From the scissors to the knife and different screwdrivers, you can pretty much fix or deal with any EDC task. The best thing about the Wingman is that all the important tools are spring-loaded, this means you can use it one-handed. The full stainless-steel construction is also pretty sleek and it's holding up incredibly well after almost 3 years of getting bashed about. 

  • Camera: Fujicolor Simple Ace 
    I bet you don't this often. This is a disposable film camera that I bought in Tokyo (from BIC camera for those who are familiar with the area). As Chase Jarvis said, the camera is the one you have on you. And that's always my iPhone.

    To complement the ever-present digital tool that is the iPhone, I bought this disposable film camera to capture special moments on celluloid. It forces me to take my time, to frame the shot, the appreciate the light and shadow and shapes before clicking the shutter. Oh, and there are no do-overs – which adds to the charm and fun.

  • Knife: Fallkniven U2
    I've had this for the longest time. The Fallkniven U2 is a small and really simple holding knife with some sort of super-steel that I can't remember exact what. I remember reading a review about it on Everyday Commentary, and decided to spring for it. This little blade has accompanied me on many adventures of the years, and it's still holding its edge. Simple is always best, and this is as simple and effective as a knife can be. 

  • Shades: Moscot Clip-ons
    As I wear spectacles, these clip-ons are a necessity because they let me quickly clip them onto my Moscot Lemtosh, instead of having to carry another pair of shades or wear contact lenses. Speaking of Moscot, the Lemtosh are absolute beasts and are built like tanks. I can't photograph them because I'm wearing them, but you get the idea.

  • Earphones: AirPods Pro
    These are the greatest invention ever. I still remember the days of having to fiddle with cables, and then the horribly-designed bluetooth earphones we had to endure before the AirPods came to be. I use them for everything from running to listening to podcasts. And sometimes, I listen to nothing and just use them as earplugs. Godsent.

What's your story:

My name is Aaron and I work as an air steward. Not to be confused with the pretty ladies you see on board, I'm the grunt that does the graft. I joined the aviation industry because it allows me to see the world, and although it's tough work, I enjoy my job tremendously and take pride in doing my best for every flight.

The pandemic years were tough, especially for my chosen industry, but tough times make tough people. It was also during the pandemic that I started getting into EDC as a concept. I've always enjoyed photography and all the gear that it involves, so I took to EDC quite naturally.

The idea of being prepared, and being self-sufficient really struck home. I think as city-slickers, we forget how to fend for ourselves. So it's nice to know that I can get myself out of a fix when push comes to shove. 

In addition to EDC, I also like to document life around me as it happens. Whenever I'm in a new place, new country, I try my best to capture the mood and people of the destination. I think it's important to broaden our horizons, and realise that there are so many different things and people and places out there, and not get stuck in our ways. 


Favorite EDC Tool:

Definitely the Leatherman Wingman. It does everything and it looks good. It's also built to last and I love that all the important tools are spring-loaded, which means you can use it one-handed. I can't imagine a better multi-tool.

What's On Your Gear Radar:

I'm not sure if this qualifies as EDC, but considering that I'm planning to carry it everywhere, I'm considering getting a Leica digital camera. Not the most practical, but definitely the most charming. I'm a sucker for such things.


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