Showcase #374: State Forestry Worker from Frankfurt, Germany - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #374: State Forestry Worker from Frankfurt, Germany

By Philmon Yip

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature a member of the EDC community and the gear they rely on every day. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

From Frankfurt, Germany by way of Lithuania, Viktor (@knife_or_die) has always sought adventure. That explains his unbridled passion about his job as a forestry worker, where he gets to walk among the tall trees and work in the great outdoors. Read on to learn all about Viktor’s EDC journey from collector to a minimalist user, along with a bonus tip on how to acquire your favorite gear.

Featured Tools:

  • Knife: Strider PT Gen. 3
    Well, I have a little obsession with Strider Knives. When I choose my main Knife, I vary between the three Striders in my collection. Even if the Striders run on washers, the action is really nice and that’s what I love, even if they're so massive. The PT is a good companion, has the perfect size to carry in a city environment. It can master nearly every task.

  • Prybar: Lynch NW V1.5
    Another Tool everyone should carry. At the beginning of EDCing, I thought that prybars could be unnecessary. After getting mine, it changed my mind immediately. Now its's one of the tools which get the most pocket time. I really love the design and for me, it's the perfect pocket-sized pry tool.

  • Flashlight: Reylight Krystal Titanium
    I have to admit, the Krystal was my first Flashlight that had different light modes. Before getting one, I just used a little, cheap keyring flashlight. It was definitely the design that convinced me to buy one. Honestly, never thought that I would spend that amount of money on a flashlight. But I can say it's worth it.

  • Wallet: Hitch & Timber Card Caddy
    The leather wallet of the leather wallets. It carries three cards, a Fisher Space Pen and a Victorinox Alox Cadet.

What's your story:

I was born in Lithuania, a little Baltic State. When I was 10 years old, we moved to Germany. Now we live near Frankfurt, Germany.

After finishing middle school, I went to the Professional Forestry School. Now I work as a forestry worker for a state enterprise. I've always sought adventure and outdoors, this was the perfect solution to include my passion in my career. 

The work is hard, but for me, it's a dream. Being outside, smelling the fresh air is something awesome. The only bad part of the job is that I can't carry my gear at work, after losing some knives I decided to stop taking them with me.

EDC started in the Forestry School. Bought my first knife because of two 'knife heads' from my school class. After that, there was nothing that could stop me. Knives and tools. I bought everything I thought that it was cool.

Now, two years later all the gear is gone. I've reduced everything to a minimum. My setup contains just a few knives and a little bit of gear and that’s still more than enough. I'm no longer a collector, now I just use my stuff and that’s my greatest pleasure.

The social media part started last year. After being inspired by the same great knife community members on Instagram, I've bought a camera and started shooting pictures for my own feed. Never thought that the people would like my pictures because...I must admit, I had no idea how to use my camera and edit the pictures. I must thank a lot of people for supporting me and helping me to improve.

Favorite EDC Tool:

The Wallet. Definitely the true EDC, not even a day without it. Why did I get one? Well, I hate coins and it doesn't even fit into the wallet. And I mean, leather?! Classy, huh? It's slim and has the right size for the pockets. You don’t even feel it. The wallet contains my cards, a Fisher Space Pen and a Victorinox Cadet. Probably already enough gear for the normal daily challenges.

What's On Your Gear Radar:

Well, I'm thinking about to get an upgrade for the pen in my EDC. The Tactile Turn Zirconium Bolt action pen has caught my attention, the design and the deep black colour is crazy. When I held one in my hands, I fell in love. Awesome quality and a big fidget factor on that one too. Can't wait to get mine!


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