Showcase #74: Intensive Care Unit Nurse from Calgary, Canada - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #74: Intensive Care Unit Nurse from Calgary, Canada

By Philmon Yip

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature one member from the EDC community and the gear they rely on every day. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

Jason (@jsartison) is not your typical nurse, and his everyday carry too is anything but mundane. Jason works in an Intensive Care Unit at a large trauma center, and he's also involved in custom home building. His diverse skills, combined with his adaptability and resourcefulness, has defined both his personality and everyday day carry. Read on for the full story!

Featured Tools:

  • Knife: Clyde Challenor Custom
    The knife is a custom MK1 front flipper with Roses Damasteel blade, made by Clyde Challenor of South Africa. Having used all manner of opening techniques for pocket knives, the front flipper is my method of choice.

    Sleek blade, and no flipper tab allow for it to disappear into the pocket until it's needed. I have a few knives that rotate through my pockets, but this one spends a lot of time there. It was the first custom I had built, and since that time Clyde has become a friend that I have been lucky enough to meet in person, and interact with almost daily, despite the fact that he lives halfway around the world from me.
  • Flashlight: Olight S1 Baton 
    I have so far resisted the call of a custom flashlight. I own a copper Maratac, a titanium Fenix light, and three Olight models. The Olight S1 Baton meets all my needs. It's super bright, tough, and the UI on this version makes 3 brightness levels accessible from off. A flashlight is probably my most used piece of gear.
  • Watch: Seiko Monster
    The watch is a first generation Seiko Monster, the SKX779, on an aftermarket shark mesh bracelet. I own many watches, but this one is my favourite. The bracelet is like silk, and is the most comfortable I own. To me, this is a classic rugged tool watch. The size is perfect, and the legibility in the dark is fantastic with beautiful green Lumibrite.
  • Prybar: Custom
    The Ti prybar, and attached bead were gifts from members of this community. The prybar has blue tritium inserts, and is engraved with the name I use on IG and on a few forums. The bead is brass, and was gifted to me by the maker.

  • Pen: TWSBI Demonstrator
    I prefer to use fountain pens. There is something soothing and calming about feeling the nib gliding over paper when writing. And the choice of ink colours!!?? Greens, blues, oranges, purples, you name it.

    This demonstrator pen by TWSBI allows the ink to be seen sloshing around inside the barrel. The Zebra 701 is a lot sturdier, and a lot less expensive, for times I worry about losing (it has happened) or breaking fountain pens. I am not committed to any one brand of notebook, as long as the paper is fountain pen friendly.

  • Wallet: Custom 
    The wallet I made for myself. The vegetable tanned leather that has taken on a nice patina. Holds 6 cards, with a strap on the back that holds folded bills.


My name is Jason. I live in Calgary, Canada and am married with 3 children. For nearly 23 years I have been a Registered Nurse in an Intensive Care Unit at a large trauma center. I did a bit of home renovation for a custom home builder on the side for a couple years too. I'm pretty good at adapting and responding, and the mentality of being a fixer carries into my everyday non-work personality.

Like most others featured, my fall into EDC started years before I knew what EDC was.

I was a watch guy before I was anything else. At 14 years of age, my very first paycheck at my very first job went to a Citizen dress watch. That was in 1984. I also bought my first fountain pen around that same time.

I was a Boy Scout too, so had the Swiss Army Knife, the Opinel, multi-tools, etc, but wasn't "bitten" by knives until about 5 or 6 years ago when I was online and found this huge community. I jumped in both feet.

My downtime is spent parenting. My youngest son is a competitive lacrosse player, and I volunteer as the trainer/first-aider for his teams. My daughter is a competitive gymnast, so I've built a few pieces of gym gear in my days too. My oldest is grown, and is away at university.

Favorite EDC Tool:

My favourite EDC tool among the bunch is definitely my watch - the first generation Seiko Monster. When combined with the shark mesh bracelet, it's hard to beat. Tough, rugged, and built like a tank - it's the classic tool watch for the working man.



  • As a Nurse, you should carry the leatherman shears it is a great tool to go with your setup. Other then that great setup.

    Jerry Pruitt on

  • Thanks for your comment Kevin! The community is what really breathes life into the EDC scene so we’re more than happy to spotlight members of this special community. Keep on carrying strong, Kevin!

    Yong-Soo Chung on

  • I just want to say that I am so glad that you folks were able to “spotlight” Jason and to discuss his EDC/daily carry needs. I am friends with him thru the knife/EDC/EveryDayCarry Community and will vouch for him and his daily carry. Congratulations Jason!!

    Kevin Cotton on

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