Showcase #304: State Park Manager from Morganton, North Carolina - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #304: State Park Manager from Morganton, North Carolina

By Philmon Yip

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature one member of the EDC community and the gear they rely on every day. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

2 years is a long time in the EDC world, and Bryson's (@motown_edc) carry has changed considerably since being featured in 2019Bryson is now married, rescued an awesome pup and has graduated with a degree in Parks and Recreation Management. Read on for the full story, and find out how Bryson's daily carry has evolved alongside him and his new adventures.

Featured tools:

  • Hank: ViragoEDC
    My handkerchief is from ViragoEDC, which is a company that is run by some of the most wholesome people that I have met. I use their hanks almost everyday as they are super durable, look great, and it feels good to support some friends. I use it to clean my hands at work or wipe a runny nose.

  • Folder: Chris Reeve Knives
    Lately, I have been rotating my primary knife between the CRK Sebenza 21 Insingo, PM2 Tanto, and the TRM Atom. I use my primary knife at work a lot for breaking down and opening boxes, cutting open pallets of firewood, and whatever else I may need to do during the day.

  • Slip joint: Great Eastern Cutlery #12
    The Great Eastern Cutlery #12 is carried as my secondary knife and is what I pull out to cut loose threads and/or open things in public as it is more acceptable in public settings.

  • Pen: Tactile Turn Slider
    My pen is a Tactile Turn Slider in brass. This model is discontinued which is one of the reasons that I like it so much. This was the first pen that I ever spent more than $10 and I absolutely love it.

  • Watch: Hamilton Khaki Field
    My watch is the Hamilton Khaki Field Automatic 42mm. I bought this watch to wear alongside the ring in the photo, which is a ring from Manly Bands that has deer antler and teakwood inlayed in it. On the day of my wedding, I wore my Hamilton, so this watch will stay in my collection forever.

  • Wallet: Open Seas Leather
    My wallet is from Open Seas Leather. I’ve always loved this company ever since it was Das Offene Meer Leather. I have recently swapped out my Gundeck for this Topsider Wallet and am love this MOAB Leather it is made with.

My story:

I am based out of Morganton, North Carolina. Since the last time I was featured, a lot has changed. I have rescued an awesome pup, gotten married, and am now a homeowner.

I currently work at Lake James State Park doing general utility work and maintain invasive species. I just recent finished college with a degree in Parks and Recreation Management. I changed my major from Recreational Therapy to Parks and Recreation Management as I do better working with my hands than I do my words.

I first got into EDC through watching Taylor Martin from BestDamnEDC on YouTube. I followed him through his DIY days of making key organizers to where he is at now. I like to have gear that is super versatile in everyday tasks, which helps guide my purchasing of new gear.

My hobbies consist of fishing, disc golf, and many other outdoor activities with my wife and dog. When my wife is at work and I am off, I like to hang out with my dog and play video games, though, here recently, I have been spending my extra time working on our house.

Favorite EDC tool:

Out of everything in my EDC, my favorite item is my wedding ring. One, I am honored to be married to such and amazing woman and still do not understand how I became so fortunate to call her my wife, and two, my wife put a lot of thought into finding something that truly fits me so well.

What's on my gear radar:

Up next on my radar would probably be some more slip joint knives/traditional knives to add to the collection. Another thing I would really like to add to my EDC is a Surefire EDCL1-T flashlight as I work outdoors at night quite often and a good flashlight is always nice to have.


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