Showcase #36: Independent Jewelry Designer from Omaha, Nebraska - URBAN EDC®

Showcase #36: Independent Jewelry Designer from Omaha, Nebraska

By Philmon Yip

Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature one member from our community and the gear they rely on everyday. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.

For this week's feature, we have Jamie (@jamiefeinstein) from Omaha, Nebraska. Jamie is an amazingly talented independent jewelry designer who specializes in exquisite one-of-a-kind creations. We've collaborated with Jamie to bring you a series of custom, handmade SAKs. Read on for an inside look at his highly specialized EDC!

Featured Tools:

Apron: No. 325 Artisan Apron from Artifact Bag Co.
Light #1: Muyshondt Bead Blast Ti Aeon Mk. III
Light #2: 47s Preon P2 Satin Titanium
Knife: Victorinox Swiss Army Knife Classic (Tiffany & Co. sterling silver and 18k rose gold inlay)
Phone: iPhone 6s with leather Apple iPhone case
Pen: Sharpies (ultra fine and fine)
Wallet: Tumi Monaco Slim Single Billfold
Bracelet: Joe Bracelet in copper
Others: Digital calipers, safety glasses, jewelers loupe (10x), titanium tweezers, Grobet 35.510 stainless steel ruler


Jamie is an independent jewelry designer with a background in design and a specialty in metalsmithing. He graduated with a BFA in jewelry and metalsmithing.

Upon his graduation, Jamie was given the Victorinox Swiss Army Knife Classic in Tiffany & Co. sterling silver and 18k rose gold inlay by his then girlfriend (now wife). He carries it daily, and it's the inspiration behind his limited edition run of mokume gane Victorinox SAK Classics.

Jamie's day is occupied with running his business and tending to his young family of 3. His guilty pleasure is motorcycling, and he loves getting his Ducati Monster 1100 on the track. In his free time, he enjoys golfing, gaming (Xbox One and board games like Catan), working out to stay in shape, and traveling the U.S. to visit national parks and other beautiful places in nature. 

Jamie feels that EDC is the man's equivalent to jewelry. So while he doesn't wear much jewelry, he always feels "naked" and "incomplete" without his daily carry.

Favorite EDC Tool:

Jamie mentions that his everyday carry is different from the average guy because of how functional and critical to his work these tools are. He simply cannot do the work he does without them.

So rather surprisingly, Jamie's favorite item out of his daily cary is the Joe Bracelet in copper. Although it doesn't have any functional use, it's significant to Jamie because it helps to adorn his person and gives insight to the creativity that is housed within. The copper is full of character, and constantly changes and evolves. Jamie likens that evolution to himself and his personal growth.


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