Welcome to the Urban EDC Showcase! Each week, we feature a member of the EDC community and the gear they rely on every day. Want to be featured? Submit your gear photo.
From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Caleb (@danneredc) found time to chat with us in between getting married and moving houses! A full-time video editor and part-time worship leader at his local church, he is a man on a mission with his family, community, and everyday carry. Read on for the full story and find out which blade (hint: leaf-shaped) Caleb swears by and relies on completely.
What's in your carry?
Knife: Spyderco Sage 5
The knife is the Spyderco Sage 5, which is my first high-quality EDC knife. I adore it for its ergonomics and compression lock.
Notebook Wallet: DIY Handmade
The notebook/wallet was handmade by me so that I can journal wherever I am at. That piece is what is most important to me.
Pocket Organizer: DIY Handmade
The pocket organizer contains a Nite Ize Inova (180 lumens) and the classic Victorinox Tinker. I carry both of these in this organizer that I made myself, to keep everything upright and in place in my front left pocket, right next to my knife.
Lighter and Pipe: Bic and Savinelli
The lighter is a basic Bic lighter with a leather wrap, and has a Czech tool attached to it for pipe smoking. Not included in this photo is my favorite pipe, which is my Savinelli ROMA 316 KS.
What's your story?
I am based out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! I work full-time as a video editor and part-time as a worship leader at a local startup church. I ended up starting both jobs sort of by accident, and have adored them both ever since. I attend this church with my soon to be wife, and I am the sole video producer for my family business.
I have always been interested in knives. As a kid, I would save up the few dollars I could to buy knives at flea markets. I didn't even know EDC was a thing until I got my first EDC friendly pocket knife, the Boker Kalashnikov Mini.
After that, I started researching more and acquiring more. I loved knives and gear and started posting about it on my personal page. It wasn't until a friend told me I should create an EDC page that I finally became fully immersed in the world of everyday carry.
In my free time, I am trying to start a small leathercraft business. I love creating wallets and pocket organizers, but right now I just make them for friends and family.
Favorite EDC Tool?
My favorite piece of gear would either have to be my notebook wallet or the Spyderco Sage 5. Though the notebook wallet isn't very good, it was one of my first leathercraft projects and holds a special place in my rotation.
The Spyderco Sage 5 was my first high-quality knife and has been indestructible, from prying open paint cans to heavy carving, it has served me very well.
What's On Your Gear Radar?
Next on my gear radar is a copper Olight flashlight. I adore materials that tarnish and patina.